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Semilla de vida. Parte 2.

 El gran despertar U n día como hoy, hace ciento treinta y tres años llegué a un mundo donde la belleza de la naturaleza había sido cambiada por la eficiencia de la máquina y donde el disfrute por lo natural intercambiado por lo sintético elemental. Aún así la civilización que recibí como herencia hizo de mi un hombre buscador de verdades ocultas. Un insoslayable precursor de la solidaridad entre todas las criaturas con derecho a una vida digna y llena de amor. Un incansable hacedor de realidades y sueños carentes del medio físico que los impulse al mundo real. Un observador empedernido y vehemente del mundo que llega a mis ojos cada instante y que provoca en mi cerebro las multicolores imágenes producto del aglutinamiento de millones de fotones que como niños escapan hacia la libertad de la acción y hacia la esclavitud del destino. Realmente me siento bien físicamente aún cuando la prótesis visual que reemplazo mis ojos hace veinticinco años atrás me produce un pulsante dolor ...

Donald Trump: A successful president in a world in crisis

The best president of a country is not one with the greatest knowledge or the greatest gifts of eloquence and sympathy for the people. The best president is the one who does things right by the time he has to exercise his power.

In this year 2020, where he has gone on everything. From threats from decadent communist powers, to the unusual as the Covit-19 pandemic.We see an American president fighting for his country, with all his heart and soul. He has his style of governance, which many intellectuals and left-wing media seem uncomfortable. Sometimes it is not understood, as from his own country Donald Trump has received both empty and meaningless grievance. Well, they're aggressions with a political, miserable sense of the lowest.

Let's remember Donald Trump in his campaign, where he said as convincedly as possible, that his country's companies should put their factories back on American territory and employ their citizens. With the greatest tax-cutting incentives to encourage companies. And it was striking that if this did not happen the tax increase for these companies would be relentless.

Communism and socialism are also in the crosshairs of Donald Trump. He said it in hundreds of interviews and speeches. It will not allow these ideological aberrations to harm the US and the world. Especially attention in its hemisphere, with the countries of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba.

These are the proposals that have fallen ill among the "holy" of politics:

Build a wall to prevent Mexicans from entering
There's a bad thing about this proposal. Illegal aliens are a problem that does not allow discussion. A lot of money is spent to keep them under control. Here a president wants what's best for his country, maybe he thinks about the amount of work these illegals take (low wages) which doesn't allow American citizens to have their value. 

Banning Muslims from entering the United States
Some crazy Arabs come into America, just to destroy and lead death. So a president to keep this from happening again wants not to let these crazy people step on America. Here, human rights defenders, etc. come to their defense.

Displace all US refugees
A "refugee" is the best argument that those who want to enter the USA have to enjoy the country where any dream comes true. The problem, like illegals, is that the U.S. has received many.
Rejecting the Paris climate agreement

Re-establish torture practices
The enemies of the USA are the enemies of the free world. Any technique or forced execution to know the vile intentions of these terrorists is valid.

This year 2020, President Donald Trump will again be elected the leader of the free world. God accompany you on the quest to make this earth a better and safer world.

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