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Semilla de vida. Parte 2.

 El gran despertar U n día como hoy, hace ciento treinta y tres años llegué a un mundo donde la belleza de la naturaleza había sido cambiada por la eficiencia de la máquina y donde el disfrute por lo natural intercambiado por lo sintético elemental. Aún así la civilización que recibí como herencia hizo de mi un hombre buscador de verdades ocultas. Un insoslayable precursor de la solidaridad entre todas las criaturas con derecho a una vida digna y llena de amor. Un incansable hacedor de realidades y sueños carentes del medio físico que los impulse al mundo real. Un observador empedernido y vehemente del mundo que llega a mis ojos cada instante y que provoca en mi cerebro las multicolores imágenes producto del aglutinamiento de millones de fotones que como niños escapan hacia la libertad de la acción y hacia la esclavitud del destino. Realmente me siento bien físicamente aún cuando la prótesis visual que reemplazo mis ojos hace veinticinco años atrás me produce un pulsante dolor ...

Live: It's worth it.

Life is only wonderful for someone who is full of love. Love is the most sublime that the human can manifest. And love brings us closer to God.

Reasons that justify living and being happy.
  • There is always something new waiting around the corner.
  • Life is too short to waste.
  • Sunny mornings are unmatched.
  • Butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love.
  • The tenderness of a child's smile.
  • How good you feel when doing physical exercise.
  • Coffee in the morning.
  • A hot chocolate in winter.
  • A movie in good company.
  • A romantic date with THAT person.
  • Soft rain in summer.
  • A good fire in the fireplace.
  • A reunion with dear friends.
  • The birth of a child.
  • The birth of a grandson.
  • A puppy in her arms.
  • A colorful sunset during a trip.
  • The illusion of having a plan to carry out.
  • The pleasure of fighting for what you believe in.
  • The happiness of an achievement.
  • Pride in the achievements of loved ones and friends.
  • Happiness for the happiness of others.
  • A hot bath in cold weather.
  • A cool shower in hot weather.
  • A freshly made bed.
  • Make mischief.
  • A passionate kiss.
  • Help who you love.
  • Surprise gifts.
  • Make surprise gifts.
  • Ocher leaves on the trees in autumn.Snow in winter.
  • The ocean in front of you.
  • Sleep with the person you love.
  • Hearing the voice of someone you miss.
  • Oh my The chocolate.
  • Fresh water when you are thirsty.
  • The scent of your favorite perfume.
  • The aroma of the person you love.
  • The smell of a newborn.
  • Listen to "I love you".
  • Say "I love you".
  • To read a good book.
  • Write a book and have someone read it.
  • A chillingly starry sky.
  • The rainbow when you thought it would never stop raining.
  • The relief of "after".
  • The hope that tomorrow will be another day (and it will be).
  • The passion that you carry inside and is your engine.

Life is good if you look on either side. If there are difficult moments, we must fight so that they pass without leaving us lasting damage. We always have to fight to make life the best of our dreams.

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